Okay, I'm going to take a deep breath and bare it all. First, here's a little background on my high school days:
Me with my now-late grandma. Note glasses chosen for largest available size; crustache; sloppy long hair in half-assed ponytail; cabby hat worn at all times; t-shirt and necklace featuring my name. Also, for some reason I always wore fat-man cordouroys from a thrift store, held up with a belt. What the fuck.
I was completely disconnected from the social world. It wasn't just that I didn't care what other kids thought; I had no idea what they thought (although I was pretty sure they all hated my guts.)
As I understand it, most of the kids at my school just assumed I was stoned all the time, which explains why people were always asking me for a lighter. I swear, I didn't do any drugs at all until after I graduated.
English notes
Obligatory dragon
Character apparently based on the popular game for windows, "Ski Free"
Ok, this one's actually kind of cool
Anatomy by intuition
History notes
Seriously, no drugs whatsoever.
But hey, at least I never drew any Anime.